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Managing and Treating Anxiety with Etizolam

Etizolam is a benzodiazepine analogue from a class of drugs known as Thienodiazepine. An analogue is a compound with a molecular structure similar to that of another. Etizolam has a Benzodiazepine analog; it has a structure similar to that of Benzodiazepines but functions slightly differently from benzodiazepine. Etizolam is by structure a Thienodiazepine- it is a compound with combined properties similar to Benzodiazepines and Thienodiazepine.

Etizolam with the combined effects of Benzodiazepines and Thienodiazepine is ten times more potent than other benzodiazepines like Diazepam and twice as effective as Bromazepam. According to WHO 1 mg of Etizolam is equivalent to almost 10grams of Diazepam. It is these properties of Etizolam that make it such a strong sedative with anxiolytic and relaxative qualities.

A Brief Overview on Anxiety

Anxiety is an intense, excessive and persistent tendency of worrying about everyday situations. Anxiety can be generalized anxiety, sudden panic disorder, social anxiety or medication-related anxiety. It can differ in symptoms from person to person and may cause difficulty breathing, sitting, sleeping or even concentrating.

An anxiety attack does not last more than 30 minutes at a time. But it can build up for hours and even days before the actual attack, because of which it is important to take note of an oncoming anxiety attack and work on preventing it in the first place.

What is the role of Etizolam in Treating anxiety?

Studies have shown that Etizolam 1mg online works by depressing the Central Nervous System to achieve its anti-anxiety effects. It works on the GABA receptors in the brain and increases their level. This increases the neurotransmitter levels along with slowing down the nerve impulses leading to a reduction in anxiety.

Etizolam binds itself to the benzodiazepine, thereby binding the site between the alpha and gamma summits. While the alpha one receptors enable the medication’s sedative effects, the alpha two and alpha three subunits containing receptors enable the anxiolytic effect of the medication.

Etizolam in Response to the Hamilton’s Scale

Hamilton’s Anxiety Rating Scale is a psychological questionnaire used by clinicians to rate a person’s anxiety severity. It gets its name from being published for the first time by Max Hamilton in 1959. It is used to rate anxiety in people already diagnosed with anxiety clinically and has 14 factors based on which anxiety is graded. Each of the 14 items contains several symptoms, and each group of symptoms is rated on a scale from 0 to 4, with four being the most severe.

In a study conducted with 45 people being treated for anxiety disorders, out of all Benzodiazepine medications, Etizolam appeared to be the most effective with the least Hamilton scale rating compared to other medications. Not just one study, in several studies conducted including people of all age groups to measure the efficacy of Etizolam keeping the Hamilton scale as a reference point, Etizolam has always proved itself the most effective among the medications for anxiety with the same amount of tolerance as other medications.

Strengths and metabolism

Etizolam is available in 0.5-1 mg tablet strengths consumed orally. Etizolam is prescribed in doses of 0.25mg-0.5mg twice daily for anxiety disorder. It is given as 0.5mg dose twice daily for panic disorder and 1-2mg daily for insomnia. Its use should not be exceeded by more than 3mg daily.

It should be prescribed for short term use and not more than 12 weeks. Etizolam doses start working within 30-60 minutes of use and reach the peak after 3-4 hours. The doses can show their effectiveness for 6-7 hours. Higher doses stay for a longer period, i.e. 9-10 hours. Usually, after-effects last for 1-5 hours. However, many users report lesser after-effects on getting an uninterrupted sleep of 7-8 hours after use.

The plasma elimination half-life of Etizolam is around 4-6 hours. But Etizolam has a main active metabolite called Alpha-Hydroxyetizolam that has an elimination half-life of 8.2 hours.

Should not Overdo

A decreased appetite, energy and heart rate, along with sleepiness and impaired coordination, are some of the physical side-effects experienced by people taking Etizolam for regular periods. On the mental side, excessive use of Etizolam may lead to mental confusion, short term memory loss, involuntary eye closure with episodes of rebound insomnia. Not all who take Etizolam are bound to experiment with these, but overdoing the medication or long term use without the physician’s advice may inadvertently lead to such side effects.

Etizolam withdrawal

Etizolam is less likely to develop tolerance than other benzodiazepines. But with all its safety parameters, dependence on the medication is bound to develop if used for prolonged periods with withdrawal symptoms ensuing after discontinuing it. Etizolam withdrawal symptoms include anxiety, insomnia, and hypersensitivity to visual and audio stimuli, along palpitations. In severe withdrawal cases, motor dysfunctions along with seizures, agitation, and psychosis may also develop.


Researchers and scientists have unanimously proved Etizolam to be an effective anti-anxiety medication. Its strengths have proven to be better than other benzodiazepines by organizations like the WHO, thus enabling it to earn its position as an effective anxiolytic and sedative. But the fact cannot be ignored that the mechanism of action of these medications is via the brain. Any form of abuse of the medication, either intentional or unintentional, will affect the brain. Thus, the judicious use of Etizolam will help in anxiety and panic attacks and improve your quality of life without anxiety or panic elements in it.

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